Thursday, 12 July 2007

Be aware using Samsung SATA HDD for your RAID

Last night I was helping my friends building two PCs. Both are using the same hardware parts and configuration:

Intel Core2Duo E6400
Intel Q965OTM Motherboard
2 x 250GB Samsung SATA HDD in RAID1
Branded case and power supply unit

The problem was when we put anything into the case and powered up, it just get stuck on Intel Matrix HDD self testing. But if we unplug hard drives, it can pass and load WINXP installation procedure.

So we were wondering these Samsung hard drives were faulty. With new replacement -- Maxtor 320GB SATAII, new pc was just fine!

But it is not the end. On another PC, the other two hdds just did the same thing. Finally we found if changing the BIOS setup for HDD to normal IDE without connecting anything and shutdown, then reboot with two hdds and make sure they are recognized in BIOS. Now you can finally setup them as RAID and load Windows on.

My friend has some business clients and he just noticed there were several issues about Samsung hard drives in the past. Most of problems were losting RAID volume or couldn't boot up computer.

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